Validate and log purchase

Learn how to validate and log purchases.

The validateAndLogInAppPurchase method is part of the receipt validation flow, which enables your app to validate in-app purchase events generated by Google Play.


The function validateAndLogInAppPurchase can be replaced by the fully automatic purchase SDK connector (a premium service). To learn how to integrate the connector, see in Github Android purchase SDK connector.

The method is currently implemented in two versions.

Implement validateAndLogInAppPurchase (BETA)

The validateAndLogInAppPurchase (currently in BETA) sends the purchase details to AppsFlyer for validation. After AppsFlyer validates the purchase with Google Play the method returns the response to a callback function.


Contact your CSM to join the beta.

To implement the method perform the following steps:

  1. Query the Play Store for the Purchase object of the in-app purchase event.
  2. Initialize an AFPurchaseDetails instance and set it with the purchase type, token, product ID, price, and currency details retrieved from the Purchase object.
  3. If you want to add additional details to the purchase in-app event, populate a hash map with key-value pairs.
  4. Invoke validateAndLogInAppPurchase with the following:
    • The AFPurchaseDetails object you created in step 2.
    • The hash map with the additional details you created in step 3.
    • An instance of the AppsFlyerInAppPurchaseValidationCallback to handle validation success and failure.
  5. Add your logic for handling the failure, success, or error responses returned to the callback function. See here a few response examples.

If the validation is successful, an af_purchase event is logged with the values provided to validateAndLogInAppPurchase.


validateAndLogInAppPurchase generates an af_purchase in-app event upon successful validation. Sending this event yourself will cause duplicate event reporting.

Code example

AFPurchaseDetails purchaseDetails = new AFPurchaseDetails(
    AFPurchaseType.SUBSCRIPTION, //Purchase type
    "PurchaseToken", // Purchase token
    "myProductId", // Product ID
    "202.34", // Price
    "USD"); // Currency

Map<String, String> purchaseAdditionalDetails = new HashMap<>();

// Adding some key-value pairs to the map
purchaseAdditionalDetails.put("firstDetail", "something");
purchaseAdditionalDetails.put("secondDetail", "nice");
    purchaseAdditionalDetails, //optional
    new AppsFlyerInAppPurchaseValidationCallback() {
        public void onInAppPurchaseValidationFinished(@NonNull Map<String, ?> validationFinishedResult) {
            Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Purchase validation response arrived");
            Boolean validationResult = (Boolean) validationFinishedResult.get("result");

            if (validationResult == true) {
                Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Purchase validated successfully");
                // Add here code following successful purchase validation
            } else {
                @NonNull Map<String, ?> error_data = (Map<String, ?>) validationFinishedResult.get("error_data");
                Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Purchase was not validated due to " + error_data.get("message"));
                // Add here code when validation was not successful

        public void onInAppPurchaseValidationError(@NonNull Map<String, ?> validationErrorResult) {
            Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Purchase validation returned error: " + validationErrorResult.get("error_message"));

Response Examples

The callback function AppsFlyerInAppPurchaseValidationCallback receives validation responses from AppsFlyer in JSON format. Here are two examples:

One time purchase validated successfully

  "result": true,
	"purchase_type": "one_time_purchase",
  "product_purchase": {
    "purchasetimemillis": "1699667717458",
    "purchasestate": "0",
    "consumptionstate": "1",
    "quantity": "0",
    "regioncode": "US",
    "acknowledgementstate": "1",
    "productid": "",
    "orderid": "GPA.3345-6347-1243-65405",
    "purchasetoken": "",
    "kind": "androidpublisher#productPurchase",
    "developerpayload": "",
    "obfuscatedexternalprofileid": "",
    "purchasetype": "null",
    "obfuscatedexternalaccountid": ""

Subscription validated successfully

  "result": true,
	"purchase_type": "subscription",
  "subscription_purchase": {
    "externalaccountidentifiers": {
      "obfuscatedexternalaccountid": "LD32LMR23K4E2"
    "lineitems": [
        "offerdetails": {
          "baseplanid": "p1w",
          "offerid": "freetrial"
        "autorenewingplan": {
          "autorenewenabled": true
        "productid": "s2_sub_00_00_00",
        "expirytime": "2023-10-21T09:15:16.427Z"
    "regioncode": "AU",
    "acknowledgementstate": "ACKNOWLEDGEMENT_STATE_PENDING",
    "subscriptionstate": "SUBSCRIPTION_STATE_ACTIVE",
    "kind": "androidpublisher#subscriptionPurchaseV2",
    "latestorderid": "GPA.3335-6293-5584-30859",
    "starttime": "2023-10-18T09:15:45.814Z"

validateAndLogInAppPurchase (Legacy)

validateAndLogInAppPurchase is exposed via AppsFlyerLib.

validateAndLognInAppPurchase takes these arguments:

validateAndLogInAppPurchase(Context context,
                            java.lang.String publicKey,
                            java.lang.String signature,
                            java.lang.String purchaseData,
                            java.lang.String price, java.lang.String currency,
                            java.util.Map<java.lang.String,java.lang.String> additionalParameters)
  • context: Application / Activity context
  • publicKey: License Key obtained from the Google Play Console
  • signature: data.INAPP_DATA_SIGNATURE from onActivityResult
  • purchaseData: data.INAPP_PURCHASE_DATA from onActivityResult
  • price: Purchase price, should be derived from skuDetails.getStringArrayList("DETAILS_LIST")
  • currency: Purchase currency, should be derived from skuDetails.getStringArrayList("DETAILS_LIST")
  • additionalParameters - Additional event parameters to log

If the validation is successful, an af_purchase event is logged with the values provided to validateAndLogInAppPurchase.



validateAndLogInAppPurchase generates an af_purchase in-app event upon successful validation. Sending this event yourself will cause duplicate event reporting.

Example: Validate an in-app purchase

// Purchase object is returned by Google API in onPurchasesUpdated() callback
private void handlePurchase(Purchase purchase) {
    Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Purchase successful!");
    Map<String, String> eventValues = new HashMap<>();
    eventValues.put("some_parameter", "some_value");
// Purchase object is returned by Google API in onPurchasesUpdated() callback
private fun handlePurchase(Purchase purchase) {
   Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Purchase successful!")
   val eventValues = HashMap<String, String>()
   eventValues.put("some_parameter", "some_value")

Handling purchase validation success/failure

Use AppsFlyerInAppPurchaseValidatorListener to subscribe to purchase validation successes/failures and registerValidatorListener to register it in your Application class.

registerValidatorListener is exposed via AppsFlyerLib. To use AppsFlyerInAppPurchaseValidatorListener, import it:

import com.appsflyer.AppsFlyerInAppPurchaseValidatorListener;
import com.appsflyer.AppsFlyerInAppPurchaseValidatorListener

AppsFlyerInAppPurchaseValidatorListener has two callbacks:

registerValidatorListener takes 2 arguments:

  • context: The Application Context
  • validationListener: The AppsFlyerInAppPurchaseValidatorListener object you wish to register
   AppsFlyerInAppPurchaseValidatorListener() {
     public void onValidateInApp() {
       Log.d(TAG, "Purchase validated successfully");
     public void onValidateInAppFailure(String error) {
       Log.d(TAG, "onValidateInAppFailure called: " + error);
AppsFlyerLib.getInstance().registerValidatorListener(this, object : AppsFlyerInAppPurchaseValidatorListener {
    override fun onValidateInApp() {
       	Log.d(LOG_TAG, "Purchase validated successfully")

    override fun onValidateInAppFailure(error: String) {
        Log.d(LOG_TAG, "onValidateInAppFailure called: $error")

Validating an in-app purchase automatically sends an in-app purchase event to AppsFlyer. See the following sample data that is passed in the event_value parameter:

   "some_parameter": "some_value", // from additional_event_values
   "af_currency": "USD", // from currency
   "af_content_id" :"test_id", // from purchase
   "af_revenue": "10", // from revenue
   "af_quantity": "1", // from purchase
   "af_validated": true // flag that AF verified the purchase