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AppsFlyer Epic C++ SDK integration

AppsFlyer empowers gaming marketers to make better decisions by providing powerful tools that solve real pain points, including cross-platform attribution, mobile and web analytics, deep linking, fraud detection, privacy management and preservation, and more.

Game attribution requires the game to communicate with AppsFlyer APIs over HTTPS and report user activities like first opens, consecutive sessions, and in-app events. For example, purchase events.
We recommend you use this sample app as a reference for integrating the code that reports user activities in your C++.

Note: The sample code that follows is currently only supported in a Windows environment.


vcpkg openssl & nlohmann-json packages:

vcpkg install curl:x86-windows
vcpkg install nlohmann-json:x86-windows
vcpkg install openssl:x86-windows

AppsflyerLauncherModule - Interface

AppsflyerLauncherModule.h, included in the appsflyer-module folder, contains the required code and logic to connect to AppsFlyer servers and report events.


This method receives your API key and app ID and initializes the AppsFlyer Module.

Method signature

void Init(const char* devkey, const char* appID)


AppsflyerLauncherModule()->Init(<< DEV_KEY >>, << APP_ID >>);


  • EPIC_APP_ID: Your Epic app id.
  • DEV_KEY: Get from the marketer or AppsFlyer HQ.


This method sends first open/session requests to AppsFlyer.

Method signature

void Start(bool skipFirst = false)


  • bool skipFirst: Determines whether or not to skip first open events and send session events. The value is false by default. If true , first open events are skipped and session events are sent. See example


// without the flag

// with the flag
bool skipFirst = [SOME_CONDITION];


This method stops the SDK from functioning and communicating with AppsFlyer servers. It's used when implementing user opt-in/opt-out.

Method signature

void Stop()


// Starting the SDK
// ...
// Stopping the SDK, preventing further communication with AppsFlyer


This method receives an event name and JSON object and sends in-app events to AppsFlyer.

Method signature

void LogEvent(std::string event_name, json event_values, json custom_event_values = {})


  • std::string event_name-
  • json event_parameters: dictionary object which contains the predefined event parameters.
  • json event_custom_parameters (non-mandatory): dictionary object which contains the any custom event parameters. For non-English values, please use UTF-8 encoding.


// Setting the event values json and event name
std::string event_name = "af_purchase";
json event_parameters = { {"af_currency", "USD"}, {"af_revenue", 24.12} };
// Send LogEvent request
AppsflyerLauncherModule()->LogEvent(event_name, event_parameters);

// Send LogEvent request with custom event params and UTF8 encoding (for non-English characters)
std::wstring ws = L"車B1234 こんにちは";
std::wstring ws2 = L"新人邀约购物日";
json custom_event_parameters = { 
    {"goodsName", AppsflyerLauncherModule()->to_utf8(ws)}, 
    {"goodsName2", AppsflyerLauncherModule()->to_utf8(ws2)} 
AppsflyerLauncherModule()->LogEvent(event_name, event_parameters, custom_event_parameters);

Note: To use the JSON, make sure to use the following imports:

#include <nlohmann/json.hpp>
using json = nlohmann::json;


This method sets a customer ID that enables you to cross-reference your unique ID with the AppsFlyer unique ID and other device IDs. Note: You can only use this method before calling Start().
The customer ID is available in raw data reports and in the postbacks sent via API.

Method signature

void SetCustomerUserId(std::string cuid)


  • std::string cuid: Custom user id.


AppsflyerLauncherModule()->Init(DEV_KEY, APP_ID);


This method lets you configure which partners should the SDK exclude from data-sharing. Partners that are excluded with this method will not receive data through postbacks, APIs, raw data reports, or any other means.

Method signature

void SetSharingFilterForPartners(std::string sharingFilter)


  • std::string sharingFilter: a list of partners to filter. For example: std::string list = "[\"partner1\",\"partner2\"]".
    Please use [\"all\"] in order to not send the event to any source.


AppsflyerLauncherModule()->Init(DEV_KEY, APP_ID);

// set the sharing filter for partners a, b & c. please use ["all"] in order to not send the event to any source.

// start the SDK (send firstopen/session request)

OnCallbackSuccess, OnCallbackFailure

The above methods are placeholders for the desired actions upon success/failure.
It is possible to handle different types of events with the switch case of the context within each function (“FIRST_OPEN_REQUEST”, ”SESSION_REQUEST”, ”INAPP_EVENT_REQUEST”).

Method signature

void OnCallbackSuccess(long responseCode, uint64 context)
void OnCallbackFailure(long responseCode, uint64 context)


Get AppsFlyer's unique device ID. The SDK generates an AppsFlyer unique device ID upon app installation. When the SDK is started, this ID is recorded as the ID of the first app install.

Method signature

std::string GetAppsFlyerUID()




This method receives a reference of a std::wstring and returns UTF-8 encoded std::string

Method signature

std::string to_utf8(std::wstring& wide_string);


std::wstring ws = L"車B1234 こんにちは";
std::wstring ws2 = L"新人邀约购物日";
custom_event_parameters = { 
    {"goodsName", AppsflyerLauncherModule()->to_utf8(ws)}, 
    {"goodsName2", AppsflyerLauncherModule()->to_utf8(ws2)} 


This method receives a date string and returns true if the game exe modification date is older than the date string. The date string format is: "2023-January-01 23:12:34"

Method signature

bool IsInstallOlderThanDate(std::string datestring)


  • std::string datestring: Date string in yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss+hh:mm format.


// the modification date in this example is "2023-January-23 08:30:00"

// will return false
bool dateBefore = AppsflyerLauncherModule()->IsInstallOlderThanDate("2023-January-01 23:12:34");

// will return true
bool dateAfter = AppsflyerLauncherModule()->IsInstallOlderThanDate("2023-April-10 23:12:34");

// example usage with skipFirst -
// skipping if the install date is NOT older than the given date
bool isInstallOlderThanDate = AppsflyerLauncherModule()->IsInstallOlderThanDate("2023-January-10 23:12:34");

Running the sample app

  1. Install Visual Studio.
  2. Open the solution.
  3. Open the AppsflyerSampleApp.cpp file.
  4. On line 112, replace DEV_KEY and APP_ID with your app details.
  5. Run the app by clicking Play on the top toolbar (Local Windows Debugger). Make sure that the mode is set to Debug.
  6. After 24 hours, the dashboard updates and shows organic and non-organic installs and in-app events.

Implementing AppsFlyer in your C++ app


  1. Copy the files from the appsflyer-module folder into your C++ project under Header Files > AppsFlyer.
  2. Import the Module:
#include "AppsflyerLauncherModule.h"
  1. Import nlohmann-json:
#include <nlohmann/json.hpp>
using json = nlohmann::json;
  1. Initialize and start the AppsFlyer integration.
  2. Report in-app events.

Resetting the attribution

Remove the registry data from SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run. The Registry keys are AF_counter_[APPID] and AF_uuid_[APPID].

Deleting AppsFlyer data on uninstall

When uninstalling your app, please make sure to remove the registry data from SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run. The Registry keys are AF_counter_[APPID] and AF_uuid_[APPID].