
At a glance
The dedicated API allows account admins to manage apps within their accounts supporting the main features available in the UI. This includes adding updating and deleting apps. The API also incorporates the same error verification mechanisms. Please note that we currently allow adding and updating mobile apps only while deletion is possible for all platforms.

Add app API parameters

Default schema

The following API parameters are needed in the schema for adding an app:

API ParameterTypeMandatoryRemarks
platformstringYesPossible values: android, ios, windowsphone
statusstringYesPossible values: available, pending, out_of_store
app_namestringYesA string of up to 100 characters
currencystringYesThe list of values appears in the Add app API
time_zonestringYesThe list of values appears in the Add app API
kidsPrivacybooleanYesIndicate whether or not your app is directed toward children or a mixed audience (both children and adults) See more about defining the app audience. Possible values: true, false.

Android status in the store

Additional schema parameters for the app status in Google Play and when published out of store.

StatusAPI ParameterTypeMandatoryRemarks
Available in storeapp_urlstringYesA well-formatted URL
Pending approval/not publishedapp_idstringYesLink to app id required semantics per platform
Published out of storeapp_idstringYesLink to app id required semantics per platform
app_urlstringNoA well-formatted URL
channel_namestringYesa string that consists only of one or more uppercase or lowercase letters

iOS status in the App Store

Additional schema parameters for the app status in the store.

StatusAPI ParameterTypeMandatoryRemarks
Available in storeapp_urlstringYesA well-formatted URL
Pending approval/not publishedcountrystringYesPossible values: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1W6H5WX3WZCyMYuEgHqSorU0WF6UuTQbuxF6AISxw7gc/edit#bookmark=id.5mm5oap13kxj
app_idstringYesLink to app id required semantics per platform

Update app API parameters

The following API parameters which are part of the URL are needed in the schema for updating an app:

API ParameterTypeMandatoryRemarks
appIdstringYesA valid AppsFlyer app ID
platformstringYesPossible values: android, ios, windowsphone

The following API parameters are needed in the schema for the request body:

API ParameterTypeMandatoryRemarks
enableAggregatedAdvancedPrivacybooleanNoEnable or disable the Aggregated Advanced Privacy iOS feature for maintaining user privacy. Possible Values: true (enabled) or false (disabled)
minTimeBetweenSessionsnumberNoDetermine the minimum time between sessions for which sessions are counted. Possible Values: Values should be rendered in seconds, reflecting minutes or hours. The duration can span from 1 minute to 24 hours. Suitable values range between 60 (representing 1 minute) to 86,400 (representing 24 hours).
reAttributionWindownumberNoThe number of days after the first install that reinstalls aren`t attributed as new installs. Possible Values: Values should be rendered in days, reflecting months. The duration can span from 1 to 24 months. Suitable values range between 30 (representing 1 month) to 730 (representing 24 months).
enableProbabilisticViewThroughAttributionbooleanNoEnable or disable the probabilistic View-through Attribution (VTA) feature for using probabilistic modeling to attribute conversions to ad impressions that were viewed. Possible values: true; (enabled) or false` (disabled).
enableSeoAppAttributionbooleanNoEnable or disable the organic search attribution feature for attributing re-engagements to various organic search engines. Possible values: true (enabled) or false (disabled).
enableIpMaskingbooleanNoEnable or disable the IP Masking feature for anonymizing end-user device IP addresses in raw data reports and in postbacks sent to partners (for events per app). Possible values: true (enabled) or false (disabled).
enableReinstallDetectionbooleanNoFor iOS only: Detect reinstalls without depending on advertising IDs. Determining whether an install was a reinstall or a new install enables deduplicating reinstalls from your NOIs. Possible values: true (enabled) or false (disabled).
reEngagementAttributionobjectNoThis property configures the Retargeting Attribution feature. When enabled (reEngagementAttribution.isEnabled is set as true), AppsFlyer tracks and attributes re-engagement events to the appropriate source, providing valuable insights on user retention and re-engagement campaigns.
reEngagementAttribution.isEnabledbooleanYesEnable or disable the Retargeting Attribution feature to record re-engagements of users engaging with a retargeting campaign. Possible values: true (enabled) or false (disabled).
reEngagementAttribution.minTimeBetweenReEngagementsnumberNoSet the minimum time after a re-engagement conversion occurs so that additional re-engagement events won`t be attributed. This is used to avoid over-counting of conversions. Possible Values: Please provide this input in seconds. Valid values range from 3,600 (representing 1 hour) to 2,592,000 (representing 30 days).

Delete app API parameters

The following URL parameters are needed in the schema for deleting an app:

API ParameterTypeMandatoryRemarks
appIdstringYesA valid AppsFlyer app ID
platformstringYesPossible values: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1W6H5WX3WZCyMYuEgHqSorU0WF6UuTQbuxF6AISxw7gc/edit#bookmark=id.uredi0417lsz.