
Get your raw data reports in CSV files.

Base URL



NamePathAPI MethodDescription
Raw data reports (non-organic)
Installs/{app-id}/installs_report/v5GETRecords non-organic installs. The record is created when a user opens the app for the first time. Data is updated in real-time.
In-app events/{app-id}/in_app_events_report/v5GETRecords in-app events performed by users. Data is updated in real-time.
Uninstalls/{app-id}/uninstall_events_report/v5GETRecords when a user uninstalls the app. Data is updated daily.
Reinstalls/{app-id}/reinstalls/v5GETRecords users who reinstall the app after uninstalling and engaging with a User Acquisition (UA) media source during the reattribution window. Data is updated in real-time.
Raw data reports (organic)
Organic Installs/{app-id}/organic_installs_report/v5GETRecords when the app is opened by a user for the first time without attribution to an advertising source. Data is updated continuously.
Organic in-app events/{app-id}/organic_in_app_events_report/v5GETRecords details about events performed by users organically. Data is updated continuously.
Organic uninstalls/{app-id}/organic_uninstall_events_report/v5GETRecords users uninstalling the app without prior engagement with non-organic sources. Data is updated daily.
Organic reinstalls/{app-id}/reinstalls_organic/v5GETRecords organically attributed reinstalls of the app. Data is updated in real-time.
Conversions (re-engagements & re-attributions)/{app-id}/installs-retarget/v5GETRecords conversions (re-engagements & re-attributions) from retargeting campaigns. Data is updated in real-time.
In-app events retargeting/{app-id}/in-app-events-retarget/v5GETRecords in-app events during re-engagement window triggered by retargeting campaigns. Data is updated in real-time.
Ad Revenue Raw data
Attributed ad revenue/{app-id}/ad_revenue_raw/v5GETRecords ad revenue for users attributed to a media source. Data is updated daily.
Organic ad revenue/{app-id}/ad_revenue_organic_raw/v5GETRecords ad revenue for users not attributed to any media source. Data is updated daily.
Retargeting ad revenue/{app-id}/ad-revenue-raw-retarget/v5GETRecords ad revenue for users attributed to retargeting campaigns during the re-engagement window. Data is updated daily.
Protect360 fraud
Installs (Protect360 fraud)/{app-id}/blocked_installs_report/v5GETRecords installs identified as fraudulent and therefore not attributed to any media source. Data freshness: Real-time
Post-attribution installs/{app-id}/detection/v5GETReports include installs attributed to a media source but later found to be fraudulent. Data freshness: Real-time
In-app events (Protect360 fraud)/{app-id}/blocked_in_app_events_report/v5GETRecords in-app events identified as fraudulent by Protect360. Data freshness: Daily
Post-attribution in-app events/{app-id}/fraud-post-inapps/v5GETRecords in-app events for installs identified as fraudulent after being attributed to a media source or judged fraudulent without regard to the install itself. Data freshness: Daily
Clicks (Protect360 fraud)/{app-id}/blocked_clicks_report/v5GETRecords clicks performed by users blocked by Protect360. Data freshness: Daily
Blocked install postbacks/{app-id}/blocked_install_postbacks/v5GETRecords install postbacks that were blocked due to being identified as fraudulent. Data updated in real time.
Install postbacks/{app-id}/postbacks/v5GETRecords install events generated when a user opens the app for the first time. Data freshness: Daily
In-app event postbacks/{app-id}/in-app-events-postbacks/v5GETRecords in-app event postbacks sent to the media source. Data freshness: Daily
Retargeting in-app event postbacks/{app-id}/retarget_in_app_events_postbacks/v5GETRecords in-app events users performed during the re-engagement window. Data freshness: Real-time
Retargeting conversions postbacks/{app-id}/retarget_install_postbacks/v5GETRecords retargeting conversion postbacks sent to the media source. Data freshness: Real-time

Path parameters

The path parameters are identical for all raw data pull APIs.

ParameterData TypeDescriptionExample
app_id*stringApplication IDid121244

Query parameters

The query parameters are identical for all raw data pull APIs

from (required)stringFrom date (report start date)."2022-04-22", "2022-04-22 21:45", "2022-04-22 21:45:23"
to (required)stringTo date (report end date)."2022-04-22", "2022-04-22 21:45", "2022-04-22 21:45:23"
media_sourcestringSupport only single value
Use to filter by a specific media source. Set both the category and media_source parameters as follows:
- Facebook: set category and media_source to facebook
- Twitter, set category and media_source to twitter;
- Other media sources, set category to standard and media_source to the name of the media source.
categorystringUse to filter the call for a specific media source. Set both the category and media_source parameters as follows:
- Facebook: set category and media_source to facebook
- Twitter, set category and media_source to twitter;
- Other media sources, set category to standard and media_source to the name of the media source.
standard, facebook, twitter
event_namearrayApplicable only for in-app event report type
Filter in-app events by specific events. Select multiple events by using a comma-separated list, for example:
af_purchase, ftd
timezonestring- Default: If the parameter is not provided, data is returned using UTC.
- Otherwise, data is returned using the app-specific time zone
- The time zone format takes daylight saving time into account.
- The time zone value must match the value in the app settings. For example, if the setting is Paris, use timezone=Europe/Paris in the the PULL API URL.
- Data in the selected time zone is available from the date the time zone setting was made; any earlier data uses UTC.
geostringFilter the data by country code. Limitation: Only one country code can be set per API call.f
currencystring- Specify the currency for revenue and cost reports.
- Use 'preferred' for the app-specific currency or 'USD' for US dollars.
- Aggregate Pull API reports always use the app-specific currency.
preferred, USD
maximum_rowsintegerThe maximum number of rows to be returned in the report.
from_install_timestringStart date for filtering by install time."2022-04-22", "2022-04-22 21:45", "2022-04-22 21:45:23"
to_install_timestringEnd date for filtering by install time."2022-04-22", "2022-04-22 21:45", "2022-04-22 21:45:23"
agencystringFilter by specific agency or multiple agencies. For non-transparent agencies, using both the agency and media_source filters together may return data from all agencies, regardless of the filtered media sources."agency=transparent_agency", "media_source=media-source-name&agency=transparent_agency", "agency=transparent_agency&agency=non_transparent_agency"
additional_fieldsarrayFor the list of the additional fields and their description see the Raw data field dictionary table.["blocked_reason_rule","store_reinstall","impressions"]
from_detect_timestringApplicable only on Post-attribution installs and in-app events reports
Start date for filtering by detect time.
"2022-04-22", "2022-04-22 21:45", "2022-04-22 21:45:23"
to_detect_timestringApplicable only on Post-attribution installs and in-app events reports
End date for filtering by detect time.
"2022-04-22", "2022-04-22 21:45", "2022-04-22 21:45:23"
from*stringFrom date (report start date)."2022-04-22", "2022-04-22 21:45", "2022-04-22 21:45:23"
to*stringTo date (report end date)."2022-04-22", "2022-04-22 21:45", "2022-04-22 21:45:23"
media_sourcestringSupport only single value
Use to filter by a specific media source. Set both the category and media_source parameters as follows:
- Facebook: set category and media_source to facebook
- Twitter: set category and media_source to twitter;
- Other media sources: set category to standard and media_source to the name of the media source.
categorystringUse to filter the call for a specific media source. Set both the category and media_source parameters as follows:
- Facebook: set category and media_source to facebook
- Twitter: set category and media_source to twitter;
- Other media sources: set category to standard and media_source to the name of the media source.
standard, facebook, twitter
event_namearrayApplicable only for in-app event report type
Filter in-app events by specific events. Select multiple events by using a comma-separated list, for example:
af_purchase, ftd
timezonestring- Default: If the parameter is not provided, data is returned using UTC.
- Otherwise, data is returned using the app-specific time zone
- The time zone format takes daylight saving time into account.
- The time zone value must match the value in the app settings. For example, if the setting is Paris, use timezone=Europe/Paris in the the PULL API URL.
- Data in the selected time zone is available from the date the time zone setting was made; any earlier data uses UTC.
geostringFilter the data by country code. Limitation: Only one country code can be set per API call.FR
currencystring- Specify the currency for revenue and cost reports.
- Use 'preferred' for the app-specific currency or 'USD' for US dollars.
- Aggregate Pull API reports always use the app-specific currency.
maximum_rowsintegerThe maximum number of rows to be returned in the report.1000000
from_install_timestringStart date for filtering by install time."2022-04-22"
to_install_timestringEnd date for filtering by install time."2022-04-29"
agencystringFilter by specific agency or multiple agencies. For non-transparent agencies, using both the agency and media_source filters together may return data from all agencies, regardless of the filtered media sources."agency=transparent_agency"
additional_fieldsarrayFor the list of the additional fields and their description see the Raw data field dictionary table.["blocked_reason_rule","store_reinstall","impressions"]